Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rare Look at a Giant Sunfish on New Zealand Beach

A ocean-going tropical sunfish is really quite something to see. They average about 2,000 pounds and look alot like a giant fish head with a tail. They have a reputation for being surface sunners but usually they feed (mostly on jellyfish) at great depths as much as 2,000 feet.

One recently washed up on a New Zealand beach and provided a close look.

Vanessa Phillips for the Nelson Mail reports:

Tourists being guided along Farewell Spit were mesmerised by more than just the area's natural beauty yesterday. A large sunfish, about 2 metres long, and 2m wide from fintip to fintip, was spotted as Farewell Spit Eco Tours driver John Stevens was heading towards the spit with a busload of tourists. The dead sunfish was on the intertidal plain of the spit, about one kilometre on the Collingwood side of Puponga township." See full article.

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